Saturday 30 August 2014

PRESS ASSOCIATION DIARIES VI: Multimedia journalist hype

I've started a post-grad course at the Press Association so I thought I'd share a little of what's been happening on the PMA blog.

Apparently we're all multimedia journalist now! I guess that was always the plan but the reality hadn't dawned on me until now. Bar a few formalities (passing FIVE exams and overcoming chronic hysteria) we've pretty much made it.

*I am, of course, completely jumping the gun but it's of great comfort when the prospect of failing these exams is becoming ever greater - if you make it to week 9 you'll understand. Anyway back to being a shit hot multimedia journalist.

Having handed Roberta my complete work book, my next feat was to upload the vox pop we produced onto YouTube. And it was as I published the first piece of video journalism that I'd had a hand in producing that I realised that it had all been worth it. I was a multimedia journalist.
In celebration of all that multimedia magic here are five of my favourite multimedia things:

1.Victoria Vox Pop

This is the vox pop Liv, Rudy and I produced. Way back in July (really not that long ago but it feels it) we wrote, filmed and edited this to make our debut as video journalists. Not bad eh?

Must get round to changing the intro music.

2. Urvasi Urvasi - Humse Hai Muqabla (1994)

This is everything. To my horror, I found myself nodding my head to a song but thankfully this is why. (IN MY OPINION, BASED ON LOADZ OF RESEARCH) The talentless little twerp couldn't have possibly produced a great song without borrowing from a classic like this.

Also I really feel in the right circumstances Rudy and I could do great things with this... Rudy?

3.Francky Vincent - Fruit de la Passion

Francky Vincent - Fruit de la passion by melaniie2b
In the absence of any kind of experience of summer I've been living vicariously through things like this. Clearly my mental stability is not an issue.

4. As Told By Ginger - Little Seal Girl
And on that note, here's one of our PA after-hours anthems.

5. Harmony Smith - HEY Vine
Although my journalism skills may have multiplied, my social skills have somewhat suffered.

*If you have noticed an absence of "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" Videos that is because I'm hoping they will soon disappear into the same internet black hole that all those "No Makeup Selfies" did (along with all those pledged donations).

**Clearly I am now a cynical multimedia journalist.                       

Thursday 21 August 2014


Imagine us as foetuses incubated in the most intense and secure Press Association womb; warm, comfortable, our development near complete, our respective umbilical cords now well intwined.

Still with me?

Well mumma Roberta has cut the cords and shipped her baby journos out into the working world.

The first week of placement is almost up and it's been strange coping without my PA people. Being back at ELLE with six weeks of 24-7 journalism training under my belt has felt pretty good 
but going it alone has reminded me of the big bad world that awaits us in just a few weeks. 

If Roberta will remember her Summer 2014 flock for one thing it'll be how well we all got on. Although none of us have taken our "special friendships" to the next level (thank God) and we've pretty much rejected all of Tom's invitations to the pub, it's been nice* to be amongst friends. 

*Minus the "Lad Chart", curated by our "Lad Editor" (Aka another man without a purpose) 

It's made this process a whole lot easier, even if it might have slowed down our productivity. Luckily, life at ELLE hasn't been too lonely as I had a few allies already and hot-desking* means a fresh batch of desk buddies everyday.

*Hot-desking also means feeling homeless at work. Make of it what you will - it's modern!

A week away from PA has given me the time and space to revaluate a lot of things. I really value the work that we've produced collaboratively, particularly Industries 2 Invest In (our app). I can see why there is such an emphasis on being "team-players".
No man is an island and no magazine was produced by one (wo)man.

But I am island-ing it for these two weeks and there's still the obituary to write (not mine - maybe mine) and the review and it's bank holiday weekend and that means Notting Hill Carnival. 
Being out in the real world is bittersweet.
  This can be read as a) Roberta engulfing us once again or b) Us meeting our fateful end.

Sunday 3 August 2014

PRESS ASSOCIATION DIARIES IV: Media Law: At least it's in "Public Interest"

Defamation by written or printed words, or in any form other than spoken words or gestures.
CBA - No one sues for slander.

I write this acutely aware of the threat of libel, slander, copyright, contempt, or any other legal action that might see me locked up or penniless before I even qualify as a journalist.

We've spent a welcomed day away from the Press Association revising for our media law mock tomorrow. What this really means is that we've spent the day reminding ourselves of just why we should never write anything again.

Essentially the law is on ever other f*****'s side – except the journalist's.  For a while learning media law felt quite Ally McBeal and kind of cool to know at least some of what keeps us all in line - well most journalists (libel by innuendo? Who knows... sue me.) At least in the likely event that we are sued, we have some kind of knowledge of what might defend us against the oppressive monsters (libel)I guess it's good to know your enemy.

That said, I've been facing a more immediate enemy in the form of subbing (←Probs ungrammatical). Just no. I've thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from the liberalisation of education but they could at least teach you grammar! Any previous PMA-ers will understand the pain endured whilst trying to sub Keith's Wolves masterpiece. God forbid he uses another of my passive sentences from this post as subbing bait.